Intake 2025 - Our formal open events took place on 9th and 10th January. However, if you missed these we would love to give you a personal tour of the school or nursery, contact our school office to make arrangements. Applications can be accessed via until 24th January at 12pm.


The Board of Governors in a controlled school in Northern Ireland is a group of volunteers who manage schools.  The Board of Governors works with the Principal to ensure the school's pupils receive the best education possible.  
The Board of Governors of Moyle Primary School were reconstituted in November 2024 with Rev Dr Reid and Mr Gary McAlister re-elected as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson respectively.  Mr Hamilton as Principal, serves as Honorary Secretary to the Board of Governors as a non voting member. 
The current governors and who they represent are: 
Governor Representation Name Role within MPS BOG
Education Authority Mr Gary McAlister Vice Chairperson
Education Authority Mrs Karen Weir
Designated Governor for
Child Protection
Parent Representative  Mr Ryan Maxwell  
Parent Representative Mrs Joanna McCammon  
Transferor from Old Presbyterian
Church of Larne and Kilwaughter
Rev Dr Paul Reid Chairperson
Transferor from Old Presbyterian
Church of Larne and Kilwaughter
Mr Scott Hutchinson  
Transferor from St Cedma's 
Church of Ireland
Mrs Beverley Lockhart  
Transferor from St Cedma's 
Church of Ireland
Mrs Norma Nixon  Staff Wellbeing Governor
Teacher Representative Mrs Marian Mann